Pattern Library


Primary Button

Primary button is created by adding class btn to the <a> tag. By default, class btn applies styling from class btn--primary, so adding class btn--primary is optional.

The primary button can be modified by adding variation classes to class btn.

Button Type Variations

Size Variations

Border Variations

Width Variations

Button width is dependent on parent div's width.

  • Wide takes up 100% of the parent div's width.
  • Half takes up 50% of the parent div's width.
  • Third takes up 33.3% of the parent div's width.

Directional Variations

Button with Icon Variations

Icons are placed on the left side of button. Exception: An icon can be placed on the right side if the button has a left chevron arrow on the left side.

Class descriptions

btn--icon: aligns text to left

btn--icon-left, btn--icon-right: required if adding chevron arrows

icon--heavy: icon class that puts the icon in a blue circle (outline buttons only)